Uni-Solar Panels and Shingles
Uni-Solar panels are the gold standard. They're a quality product, lightweight, flexible and directly adhere to many roofing surfaces avoiding penetrations.
Smart design
Each cell is connected to each other via bypass diodes, so if one cell is shaded or soiled, only the power output of the one shaded cell is lost. With other systems, the output of the entire panel is affected.
Originally designed for membrane and metal roofing system applications, Uni-solar panels weigh less than 1/5th the weight of rigid glass crystalline solar panels. When you combine their light weight, flexibility, and no-hole installation, Uni-solar flexible solar panels are great option for rooftop and portable solar projects.

Take a look
Uni-Solar flexible solar panels are used worldwide in residential, commercial, industrial applications. Here's a video from Uni-Solar. While the music is a bit much, the video shows some truly impressive Uni-solar installations.
Made in the USA
The Uni-Solar flexible solar panels we carry were manufactured at the Uni-Solar productions facility in Michigan. Uni-Solar panels are powering factories, cruise ships, homes, RVs, and commercial buildings around the world.
Uni-Solar Flexible Solar Panels
Item | Brand | Watts | Voltage Used With | Weight | Length | Width | # of Cells |
PVL-24 | Uni-Solar | 24 | 5 Volt - Battery | 2.7 lbs | 3.04' (36.5") | 15.5" | 3 |
PVL-64 | Uni-Solar | 64 | 12 Volt - Battery | 8.3 lbs | 9.33' (112") | 15.5" | - |
PVL-116T 1 | Uni-Solar | 116 | - | 15 lbs | 16.5' (198") | 15.5" | - |
PVL-116T 30 | Uni-Solar | 116 | - | 15 lbs | 16.5' (198") | 15.5" | - |
PVL-128T | Uni-Solar | 128 | - | 16 lbs | 18' (216") | 15.5" | 20 |
PVL-128T | Uni-Solar | 128 | - | 16 lbs | 18' (216") | 15.5" | 20 |
PVL-128B 1 | Uni-Solar | 128 | - | 16 lbs | 18' (216") | 15.5" | 20 |
PVL-128B 30 | Uni-Solar | 128 | - | 16 lbs | 18' (216") | 15.5" | 20 |
PVL-128 SP | Uni-Solar | 128 | - | 16 lbs | 18' (216") | 15.5" | 20 |
PVL-136 1 | Uni-Solar | 136 | - | 16 lbs | 18' (216") | 15.5" | 22 |
PVL-136 30 | Uni-Solar | 136 | - | 16 lbs | 18' (216") | 15.5" | 22 |
ePVL-144T 1 | Uni-Solar | 144 | - | 16.2 lbs | 17.76' (213.1") | 14.5" | 22 |
ePVL-144T 30 | Uni-Solar | 144 | - | 16.2 lbs | 17.76' (213.1") | 14.5" | 22 |
PVL-144 1 | Uni-Solar | 144 | - | 17 lbs | 18' (216") | 15.5" | - |
PVL-144 30 | Uni-Solar | 144 | - | 17 lbs | 18' (216") | 15.5" | - |
Uni-Solar Solar Shingles
Item | Brand | Watts | Voltage Used With | Weight | Length | Width |
SHR-17 1 | Uni-Solar | 17 | - | - | 7.2' (86.4") | 12" |
SHR-17 15 | Uni-Solar | 17 | - | - | 7.2' (86.4") | 12" |
General information on Uni-Solar solar panels
- Application Guidelines for Photovoltaic Laminates
- Architectural Brochure
- Corporate Overview Brochure
- Energy Production
Installation manuals, guides, and instructions for Uni-Solar solar panels
- ePvl Bonding and Installation Manual
- Membrane Roof Installation Manual
- PVL-64 RV Roof Installation Guide
- PVL Metal Roof Installation Guide
- PVL Training Seminar Installation Manual
- Panel Mounting Instructions Using J-Box
- US-5 User's Manual and Installation Guide
Uni-Solar solar panel specifications and data sheets
- PVL-64 Specifications
- PVL-68 Data Sheet
- PVL-128 Data Sheet
- PVL-136 Data Sheet
- PVL-144 Data Sheet
- PVL-144 Technical Data Sheet
Unisolar PVL Series Peel and Stick
Unisolar PVL Series Power Bond Solar Power Amorphous Flexible PV Panels
Unisolar PVL-136 Solar Panel Flexible Peel and Stick Roofing Customers
PVL136 Grid Tie Setup
How I Hooked Up Our Unisolar Flexible Solar Panels
General Solar PV Installation on Bituminous Roofs
SOLAR METAL ROOFING: Thin Film PV Panels Installation
We're here to help
If you have questions about flexible solar panels, solar cells for DIY, or portable solar panels, please visit our contact page or call (805) 648-3300.