Xunlight Panels

Recycled Goods stocks a variety of new Xunlight flexible solar panels. Some models come in both trimmed and untrimmed versions to suit many different applications.

Curved Roof
Metal Roof

Battery Charging
Disaster Prep


Item Brand Watts Nominal Charging Voltage Weight Length Width
XZS8-16 Xunlight 16 12 Volt Battery 1.8 lbs 3.1' (37") 15"
XLS11-45 Xunlight 45 12 Volt Battery 3.5 lbs 4.7' (56.5") 19"
XSS11-45 Xunlight 45 12 Volt Battery 3.5 lbs 4.7' (56.5") 19"
XLS8-52 Xunlight 52 12 Volt Battery 4 lbs 6.58' (79") 15.5"
XNS10-55 Xunlight 55 - 6 lbs 9.66' (116") 15.5"
XRS8-64 Xunlight 64 - 5 lbs 7.58' (91") 17.75"
XRS8-66 Xunlight 66 12 Volt Battery 5 lbs 7.58' (91") 17.75"
XUS10-71 Xunlight 71 12 Volt Battery 6 lbs 9.67' (116") 15.5"
XLS11-72 Xunlight 72 12 Volt Battery 5.2 lbs 9' (108") 16"
XLS12-78 Xunlight 78 12 Volt Battery 6 lbs 10' (120") 16.25"
XRS10-83 Xunlight 83 12 Volt Battery 8 lbs 9.83' (118") 19"
XRD12-100 Xunlight 100 12 Volt Battery 9 lbs 5.83' (70") 35"
XLS12-100 Xunlight 100 - 9 lbs 5.83' (70") 35"
XSD38-123 Xunlight 123 24 Volt Battery - - -
XUS19-134 Xunlight 134 24 Volt Battery 15.5 lbs 18' (216") 15.5"
XLD22-144 Xunlight 144 - 12 lbs 17.69' (212.3") 15"
XRS18-150 Xunlight 150 24 Volt Battery 13 lbs 17.06' (204.75") 18"
XRS19-158 Xunlight 158 24 Volt Battery 14 lbs 107.88' (215.75") 18"
XRD36-264 Xunlight 264 - 26 lbs 16.92' (203") 35"
XRD36-291 Xunlight 291 - 26 lbs 16.92' (203") 35"
XRD36-300 Xunlight 300 48 Volt Battery 26 lbs 16.92' (203") 35"

Made in the USA

The Xunlight flexible solar panels available from Recycled Goods were made in the USA at the Xunlight factory in Ohio. Using technology developed at University of Toledo's Thin Film Silicon Photovoltaic Laboratory, Xunlight began manufacturing solar panels at the Ohio facility in 2002. Xunlight used an innovative high-speed roll-to-roll manufacturing process to develop their thin-film silicon-based photovoltaic panels.

Xunlight Specifications and Data Sheets


Extreme Conditions Test of Xunlight Flexible Thin Film Solar Panels

We're here to help

If you have questions or need assistance with flexible solar panels, please visit our contact page or call (805) 648-3300.