Rolm Telephone System with 2 Model 9751 cabinets, and Phonemail Computer System - software 9006.2 Summary Configuration = 160 Total Ports / 400 Wired Includes the following components (2) 9751 Cabinets (12) 96002-5 16-Port RP Link I/F SLMR2 (6) 96010-4 16-Port Analog I/F SLMA (1) 96050 8-Port Direct CO I/F TMCOT (1) 96060-6 8-Port DID Trunk I/F TMDID (1) 96100A T1 ISDN PRI RATE I/F TMD24 (1 )Phonemail SP w/ Seagate ST3120N & Parish 9006.2 software (1) 49626 PHML 386 MB Memory / Planar (1) 49705 PHML 16-CHNL ISDN VPA Card (1) 49690A PHML 8-CHNL Digital Sig Prcs PMDSP (1) 49621B PHML Serial I/O Modem SIOM (2) 66992 RP600 Keyboard Expansion Option (2) 66408 RP624SL TELEPHONES (13) 6691B HDST / REC OPT. Does not include phones. Does not include software diskettes, software is loaded on hard drive. This item is heavy and includes two crated cabinets, and peripherals.
This item was pulled from a working environment and appears to be in good condition. It is sold as is with a DOA warranty. No manual or peripherals are included.
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